
G.O. 126 - Christopher R Abbey of Explore More Films

Christopher R Abbey’s suburban childhood enamored him with roadtripping. A job at an amusement park in early adulthood became a catalyst that launched him across the United States while he developed a career in entertainment. A friend at a cross-fit gym in Los Angeles opened a new chapter in Chris’ life when he introduced him to backpacking in the Sierra Nevada. Jason and Chris spoke one evening at his home in Pasadena about his life as an artist, his experiences on trails and in canyons, his pursuits in adventure filmmaking and documentary, his relation to Ed Abbey, and his past as a Disney World furry.



Explore More Films
Explore More on Instagram
Explore More on Facebook
Explore More on YouTube

Chris on Vimeo
Chris’ Cinematography & Directing Reel

Outdoor Shorts by Chris:
The Bond – Hunting Film
Death to Solitude
Insert John Muir Quote Here
TGIF the 13th

Cedar Point Amusement Park
Current TV on Wikipedia
Roger TV

Mean Streets DTLA Cross Fit

North Palisade on Wikipedia
Trans Catalina Trail
Grand Canyon of the Tuolumne

The Art of Documentary

Edward Abbey on Wikipedia
Ted Talk About Ed Abbey

Ed Abbey documentaries:
A Voice in the Wilderness
Wrenched the Movie
